Phoenix Rising
HBO’s Phoenix Rising is a two-part documentary produced and directed by Amy Berg (HBO’s “The Case against Adnan Syed”), following actress and activist Evan Rachel Wood as she takes her experience as a survivor of domestic violence to pursue justice, heal generational wounds, and reclaim her story. Almost a decade after escaping a dangerous relationship, Wood co-authors and successfully lobbies for passage of The Phoenix Act, legislation that extends the statute of limitations for domestic violence cases in California. Wood courageously uses her own experience to bring visibility to the issue; ultimately, in solidarity with fellow survivors.
I worked as a graphic artist under Angelique Georges’ graphic direction to assist in the creation of graphics treatments and animated sequences that would help to illustrate the story of the documentary, and frame photos and articles within the narrative.
In particular, I got to animate and composite the beautiful scenes illustrated by Nicoletta Ceccoli. It’s a darkly beautiful doc, and I’m grateful I was able to have a small part in its creation.
Phoenix Rising is available to stream on HBO Max, Hulu in the USA, and Binge in Australia.